Stroke Overview

Stroke /Cerebrovascular Accident (CVA): disease of cerebral vasculature resulting in failure to supply oxygen to cells.

  • Two types
    • Ischemic (~80%):
      • Thrombotic stroke: development of abnormalities in arterial vessel wall
        • Common causes: Artherosclerosis (buildup of plaque in artery- most common), dissections, and external compression of vessels.
      • Embolic stroke: plaque clots (thrombi)  that block, or travel and lodge in blood vessels blocking blood flow. Usually presents as an abrupt and sudden onset of symptoms.
        • Blood vessels typically involved: middle cerebral artery (MCA), Posterior cerebral artery (PCA), and other areas of vertebral artery branches; more rarely, can involve artery, proximal internal carotid artery, patent foramen ovale (PFO)- pediatric patients, and metastatic tumors.
    • Hemorrhagic (~20%): cerebellar bleeding due to artery wall bursting due to weakness from ballooning (aneurysm) or torn artery 
http://Stroke Awareness Foundation

Arteries of the brain

  • Crucial to know location of CVA, areas of brain supplied by each artery and anticipated areas of deficit. 

Netter (2014), plate 141.

Areas to assess & treat:

  1. Level of pain
  2. Cognition
  3. Safety awareness, insight, judgment and impulsivity
  4. Skin integrity and ability to weightshift independently
  5. Range of motion and manual muscle testing- all joints and extremities, with exception for those with precautions or weight bearing restrictions
    1. Flaciddity or hemiparesis
  6. Strength, dexterity and coordination
  7. Proprioception
  8. Sensation: sharp/dull, hot/cold
  9. Motor planning
  10. Vision & oculomotor control, pupil alignment; smooth pursuits,saccades, nystagmus
    1. Neglect, inattention, hemianopsia
  11. Balance, seated vs standing (only if standing is safe)- is patient leaning towards one side or the other? Does the patient recognize deviation from midline?
  12. Vitals management
  13. Self Care
  14. Transfers/ mobility
  15. Tone
  16. Synergy Pattern

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