Day 1- Post Conflict Rehabilitation Virtual Symposium
Day one of the symposium focused on clinical assessment and intervention of post-conflict injuries. See agenda below for titles of presentations and speakers:
Role of Rehabilitation in Disaster Relief by Peter Skelton, PT, MSc (World Health Organization); The Lived Experience- SWOT Analysis of Armenian Rehabilitation During and Post Conflict by Liana Aghajanyan, MD (Arabkir Medical Center); Strategies for Acute Care Rehabilitation & Improving Prognosis by Jim Smith, PT, DPT, MA (Utica College), Hallie Zeleznick, PT, DPT (University of Pittsburgh), Alan Lee, PT, DPT, CSW, GCS, PhD (Mount Saint Mary’s University); Wound Care and Low Resource Alternatives by Melissa K. Johnson, PT, DPT (American Physical Therapy Association Wound Management Special Interest Group) & Patricia Larkin-Upton, PT, DPT, MS (American Physical Therapy Association Wound Management Special Interest Group); Mirror Therapy and Pain Management for Limb Loss by Dawn Nilsen, EdD, OTR/L, FAOTA (Columbia University); Traumatic Brain Injury: Assessment, Evaluation, & Treatment by Rancho Level of Cognitive Functioning by Mary Hudson-McKinney, PT, DPT, NCS (Azusa Pacific University); Panel on The Impact of Traumatic Brain Injury on Visual, Motor, and Language Skills by Karen Aranha, PhD, OT (University of St. Augustine Health Science), Nayiri Adessian, MS, CCC-SLP (West Los Angeles Veterans Affairs Medical Center), Taline Boroyan, MS, OTR/L (Boston Medical Center)
Useful links
The Role of Rehabilitation in Conflict and Disaster_ key note presentation
Visual Perceptual Deficits with Traumatic Brain Injury Presentation
Acquired Apraxia of Speech Presentation
Darker skin NPIAP-Staging_Card-LR (002)
Diet and Wound Healing
Non-invasive vascular assessments.docx
The Role of Physical Therapists in Wound Management
Wound Identification
Symposium Agenda_ENG
Symposium Agenda_HY